Please Help The NCSF Rebuild!!

Their Office Burned! And they need YOUR help!! Please read this and help even if it is only a few bucks!  They fight for our rights to be who we are and we need them!

The NCSF office in Baltimore, MD, was destroyed in a fire a few weeks ago. We’ve lost everything: computer, office supplies and furnishings, tee shirts, and all of our stored printed literature are gone.

Please donate to the NCSF Fire Recovery Fund drive:

Donations are tax deductible! In order to continue helping the BDSM-leather-fetish, swing and polyamory communities, we must re-stock.

We helped hundreds of people in 2012 and thousands of individuals, businesses and groups over the years on an annual budget of less than $75,000.

Our goal is to raise $20,000 to get us back up and running… on our feet, better than ever, more efficient and more streamlined.

Please donate or hold a fundraiser for NCSF.

With the fame of 50 Shades of Grey, our communities are on the cusp of a major social and political breakthrough. You can be a part of it.

Keep us going! NCSF and the NCSF Foundation are the only groups that help kinky people when they need it – and now we need your help.