Been a hectic couple of weeks …

DSC00021Lots of stuff happening but not of the “cheery-I-should-share-this-on-my-blog” variety. My boyfriend’s mother passed away so there was a bit of saddness and visiting associated with that, although everyone concerned agrees that it was for the best it was still a sad event.

Hmm what else .. had a couple of great sessions .. including a new guy who had me skewer his testicles with a 4+ inch needle. THAT is always entertaining for my inner sadist. (grin) Yes that was delightfully entertaining indeed!

Hmm let’s see .. what else has been happening?  Oh! I did a new photoshoot with one of my all time favorite photographers and I love a lot of these pics. In fact I promise I will share a small gallery as soon as I get home from Florida.

I leave tonight to head to Fort Lauderdale to teach at “Beyond Leather 6”!  Iam very much looking forward to checking out this event because I have heard some marvelous things about it!  I will be teaching three classes in their rope track:

FUN WITH “FLOOR WORK”: Sure tying people to fancy dungeon equipment can be a blast when you are at an event or a club, but what if you don’t have any of that in your living room at home? And yes, suspension work is hot and sexy as hell (not to mention dangerous) but if you aren’t ready for that quite yet what else can you do with some rope & your imagination? There are dozens of ways to have fun with someone when all you have is some rope and an open piece of floor. In this workshop we will explore as many different positions and uses for them (wink) as we are able in the time allotted. Bring a partner if you have one, your rope bag and a mat, pillow or blanket for working on the floor more comfortably. If you are single looking to tie or be tied come on down and we will do our best to pair folks up for practice purposes.

BINDING THE JEWELS – COCK AND BALL BONDAGE: The male genitalia lends itself beautifully to many types of bondage and it is a wonderful way to remind him that YOU are totally in charge. In this class we will explore some basic safety info and then do a hands on demo of some of my favorite cock & ball bondage ties. It is suitable for all skill levels.  Please bring a subject to work on and some fairly thin rope, cord or twine. If you do not have rope I will bring extra to give to you. Also, if any unattached males show up I will be seeking volunteers from the audience to demonstrate on.

FACE AND HEAD BONDAGE: One of the quickest ways to send some bottoms flying is to apply your bondage to their head or face.  I find that it really draws on all the senses since it allows you to limit their sight and muffle their moans. They can hear the rope whisper past their ears as you work and smell the scent and possibly even taste the rope, creating a delicious smorgasbord of sensation! But the question is where or how to start with no obvious anchor points other than the neck?  (Sorry, this class doesn’t include breath play!) Please bring at least 15 to 20 feet of thin-ish smooth rope similar to paracord or thin linen rope and we will experiment with several ways to do head and face bondage. We will cover hair bondage as well if time permits, but this class is suitable for any gender and hair length.

I will plan to give you an adventure report as well as that photo gallery when I return!  Have a great weekend all!