So I REALLY have to vent for a moment. I am still taken aback by how many freaking men think that it is fine and appropriate to introduce themselves by saying, “Hey dear, babe, sweetie, hon etc” to a woman in general – let alone a dominant woman. Just today someone on iFit (who has no idea what I do for a living) texted me out of the blue saying “Hello dear, how are you today?” Now, I am sure a lot of guys are thinking – “umm ok so, what’s wrong with that?” To that I would like to ask you, have you EVER uttered those words to another man, especially one your don’t know? Something even remotely similar? No? Really? Why not?
The fact you think it’s ok to talk to a woman like that but not a man doesn’t help you realize that it’s wrong and inappropriate? It is condescending and sexist as hell and in this day and age you really ought to take a look at that behavior. That is all.
It is condescending. Guys get this in return as well from other guys: hey boss, chief, dude. All meant to establish something (they think). Some truly do NOT understand and others it could be from their culture (South). The challenge, of course, is how does one respond, not respond and/or make it clear that this isn’t acceptable.
Yes, I suppose they do talk to other men as rudely as you pointed out but I guess the sweet cutesy names just annoy me even more because they feel almost like a pat on the ass. You know?
And ye\ah, I know – somedays I handle it better than others. Of course my mature, grown up higher self would prefer to teach them why it is wrong rather than just smack them and get labeled the “angry bitch” (ok well, to be honest, there is a part of me that would just prefer to slap them down and be done with it – lol)